
If the Bible is the cornerstone of our church, then membership is the cement that holds us all together. Both Christ and Paul pointed us toward membership for our encouragement, our protection, and our instruction. We seek to carry out this vision through our four-step process by which one can join CBC.

Membership Class

All prospective members must attend our Membership Matters class. The curriculum is composed of six one-hour classes entitled:

  • Our Statement
  • Our Covenant
  • Our Church
  • Our Officials
  • Our Officials
  • Our Purpose

Courses are offered periodically during the Sunday School hour. Upon completion, those who attended all six classes are able but not obligated to sign up for a membership interview, the second step of the membership process.

Membership Interview

The prospective member meets with the Pastor and a deacon to provide basic biographical information and recount God’s converting work in his or her life. The prospective member would then sign the statement of faith and church covenant and the application would be later reviewed by all the other leaders.

Leaders’ Recommendation

At a regularly scheduled deacon’s meeting, both the pastor and the deacons will review the applicant’s testimony. Upon receiving their collective approval, the candidate’s application proceeds to the next step: congregational affirmation.

Congregational Affirmation

During our members meeting, the pastor will de-scribe how the applicant, who is desiring to be admitted to membership, has come to know the Lord. Questions are fielded, a vote is taken, and with a majority secured, candidates are admitted into membership.

Membership Matters Class

Nerf War

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